25 April 2013


“I want to see the happy you” he says in jest with a slight nudge to the arm as they walk.  Though stunned at the simplicity of such a statement, he was spot on.  Her words often showcased the more somber side of existence.  But she was happy.  In comparison to the last year in fact, her current state was exponentially more pleasant.  Though her heart had been broken, she knew her past didn’t have to dictate her feelings in the present.  She had made her peace and let the ashes blow away with the wind.  Were there still days when she felt alone to the point of torpidity? Of course.  But more often than not, she felt an incredible sense of freedom.  She was young and unattached.  Aside from a job she loved, her responsibilities were minimal.  The world presented endless opportunities for her and she was yearning to revive that feeling of novelty; to experience the raw energy of doing something completely spontaneous.  The electricity of a new hand in yours, the taste of unchartered lips, the feeling of excitement when you don’t know where things might lead.   She missed the butterflies that came with discovering someone new; the pacing of a heart in anticipation.  But all of these things were open to her; all contained such promise.  It was a beautiful day.  She was walking outside having a conversation of great value with someone she admired dearly.  She had the liberty to go where she pleased with whom she wished and discuss any number of ambivalent topics as she traversed.  At that moment, in the midst of a budding spring and blooming friendship, all things were possible and her greatest happiness lied within these possibilities.  Someday he too would see the beauty in that and find his own side of paradise.