17 September 2013

Self Preservation

You write to me in sorrow, your heart drenched in tears
You miss me…
You love me…
You’re sorry…

What do you want me to tell you?
What would you like me to say?
That I’ve been alone by choice since you left me
That the wall around my heart is taller and more prominent than ever
That I can’t stop comparing every person I meet to you
Every relationship to us

Should I recount the hours spent in mourning
Should I recall the nights unslept
Should I tell you the horror stories of heart break
as if you have not heard them from me before?

If that is what you truly desire
I am happy to oblige
But I need not your pity or regret

Would it help you to know that I’m happy?
Would it help you to know I’m ok?
I’m not angry, or hurt, or upset
I just don’t know what to say

It’s not that I never think of you
It’s that for a long time, I could think of little else
You’re a poison to me
You pulse in my veins and race in my heart
You consume my thoughts and flood my mind

I have but two choices
Let the poison consume me and fall forever in its depths
Or extract the poison from my blood until there is nothing left
You have taken the first option from me so the second is my reservation
You see, it’s not that I don’t love you
It’s that you made this a game of self-preservation