28 February 2009


Oh prima ballerina, why are you dancing so
spinning in your circles, putting on your show
for no one here is watching
the eyes they do digress
and the movement of your arms
flowing from your chest
seems all too lost in translation
with each turn of your dress

06 February 2009


She sat there mindlessly playing her matching game and could think of nothing other than him. “Why” she thought. “Why can’t I just let him go?” She pondered this for over an hour. She remembered all the good times, the phone calls, the poetry, the honesty. One day in particular came racing to her mind. He had called her, mid-afternoon as she was going to work and the excitement in his voice was uncontainable. He had just left counseling, and had the most amazing story to tell her. “So I was in counseling right, and you had sent me a message and I looked at it and sent you one back and when I was done, he looked at me and asked who that was. I told him it was you and he said ‘You better hang on to that one, your face lit up like a Christmas tree when you got that message.’ Isn’t that amazing?” Yea, she thought, it was awesome. Awesome, now there is a word he hates! She noticed recently that she didn’t use it any more; she lost the habit. He told her she was way too smart to use words as ambiguous and insipid an ‘awesome.’ She missed him. She felt her face warming and tears fighting her eyes. What happened? Things were so right this time, and then out of no where it was gone. She felt such a loss over him, unlike any other she knew and she did not know why. Did he feel it? she wondered. Did he miss her? Did he think of her often? She tried so hard to be ok without him, not to think of him; she tried to let him go. She knew that all things happened just as they were meant to, but she really wanted this to be the one. She couldn’t breathe without him.